Nikola Tesla - education and early career

Nikola Tesla’s journey to the Clypeate began in 1875, when he attended the Imperial-Royal Technical College in Austria. His first year Tesla was a stellar student, a dean writing Tesla was “a star of first rank." By his third year, however, he was failing, and Tesla never graduated. Tesla didn’t study and was expelled for gambling and womanizing. In The Hesperus Prophecy, this is when the Obturavi, masquerading as the Keepers of Ancient Wonders, enlisted Tesla’s help in translating the Epistolith’s knowledge.

After fleeing with the Axyn Kirox, he did not contact his family and rumors spread he had drowned in a river. After drifting between school, jobs, and avoiding the Keeper of Ancient Wonders, in 1882 he started working at the Continental Edison Company in Paris. In 1884, Tesla’s manager at Continental Edison realized Tesla’s talent and requested he be transferred to work in the United States. He worked for Thomas Edison, briefly, before setting out to create his own legacy.