FBI Director J Edgar Hoover
When Congress formally established the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935, J Edgar Hoover was the natural pick for director. For nearly fifty years, he ran the FBI, imparting the bureau with discipline and patriotism. Unfortunately, his brand of patriotism meant secret, illegal surveillance on Americans, and many of the FBI’s tactics during his tenure were illegal and unconstitutional.
When he finds James returning to Commander Kingston’s office, he is genuinely impressed with James’ intelligence-gathering skills and tries to hire him. James already knows Director Hoover’s reputation and is not tempted.
James does not appreciate Director Hoover’s disrespectful tones towards Commander Kingston, and when they leave he comments Director Hoover should not “get his panties in a bunch.” This is a direct reference to rumors of J Edgar’s personal life, including that he was a closet homosexual and cross-dresser. Although these rumors were never proven, many people despised Director Hoover, and thus these mean-spirited comments circulated.