FDR - President Franklin D. Roosevelt
In The Hesperus Prophecy, few outsiders know about the Clypeate. Most U.S. presidents know about the Clypeate because they were members, but Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) isn’t, and he doesn’t appreciate their unconventional arrangement with the U.S. government. When he sends FBI Director Hoover to keep close tabs on the Clypeate, his agents find highly advanced technology on (and in) Bruce. This makes FDR furious and now, in addition to stopping Nazi Germany from building the ultimate weapon, the Clypeate is in the crosshairs of the Roosevelt administration.
FDR served as president from 1933 until his death in 1945, the only one who served more than 2 terms. Prior presidents only served 2 terms to honor George Washington’s 2 terms, now the 22nd Amendment officially limits presidents to 2 terms. Besides dealing with the Clypeate, FDR pulled the U.S. through the Great Depression and guided the nation to victory in World War II.
FDR and his wife, Eleanor